must read: one amazing thing

i’ve been waiting to rave about this book until it released, which finally happened last week (i know, preview copies are awesome!).  and the timing may just be perfect after all:  with many of you snowed-in this week, what better time than to overnight yourself a little entertainment via amazon?

one amazing thing, written by (watch now as i copy and paste this so as not to butcher spelling) chitra divakaruni, is made up of so many elements i love in a novel, it’s hard to imagine my not falling for it.  exotic international setting, a wide cast of characters, all with a unique story to tell, and a dash of urgency built in.  the novel is set in the waiting room of an indian embassy, which crumbles to the ground during an earthquake, trapping a group of people together.  as they sit, they decide each should tell one story about their lives (there’s a not-subtle ‘canterbury tales’ reference woven in).  the result gives such an interesting, broad portrait of their experiences in and with india, and the country itself – it really is fascinating. and blended into all of this is the panic, attempts to escape, and problems that arise during the time they spend trapped together.

the language in this book is especially lovely, and it’s perfect for those of us with shorter attention spans.  the plot moves along so quickly, and all of the different characters’ stories are sure to keep you riveted.  i polished this one off in about two days, and i’m sure you’ll do the same.

grab one amazing thing now at amazon, and you’ll have it in time to read over the weekend.  or, buy local and head out to your neighborhood bookstore!

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3 comments on “must read: one amazing thing

  1. roxy

    I love when you post your reads…I’m always looking for good ones, and I find I love your choices. I’ve read Divakaruni’s books in the past, so I’ll be sure to check this one out!

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