must read: creative girl

i can’t believe i haven’t talked about this yet…shame on me.  you see, my dear friend, katharine sise, has written a book!  really, that would excite me, no matter what.  but it also happens to be wonderful!

it’s called creative girl, and the best way i can describe it is to imagine the conversation you dream of having with a mentor before doing something drastic like quitting your high-paying, high-reliability day job to design jewelry (which is exactly what katharine did).  you know the conversation i’m talking about: it’s the one where the person you most admire professionally spills every secret to succeeding,  holds your hand as you describe your plan in detail, asks you pertinent questions, and helps you figure out – after hours of analysis – whether your idea is good, and exactly how to get it started.  perfection, right?

katharine definitely writes from experience – she’s wildly successful as a jewelry designer, television host, writer, and countless other areas – but the whole book just feels like a cozy conversation with a (very smart) friend.  the book is complete with workbook-style questionnaires, checklists, quizzes and other activities that i’ll admit felt a little, well, cheesy during my initial flip-through.  but the closer i looked, i realized that if you actually participated in the reading of this book (meaning thinking about the questions and their answers), by the end, you’d almost certainly know whether you had a real business on your hands, and have already done a good bit of the work to get it started.

creative girl is an absolute must if you’re thinking of ditching your day job to pursue your real passion, whatever that might be.  which, let’s face it, is one of those dreams we all test out from time to time, right?

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