Tag Archives: ina

resolution shortcut: ina white gold detoxifying crystal salts

personally, i’m pretty thoroughly opposed to health-related new year’s resolutions (ie, “i’m going to lose 20 lbs”, “i’m going to stop smoking”, “i’m going to stop having random relations with strangers in bars”…) – though i love the idea of the results.  it’s really the effort i have an issue with.

so, when this fab cheater-style shortcut crossed my desk, i couldn’t resist.  these ina white gold detoxifying crystal salts are to be added to a luxurious bath soak, and shoudl have the same results as a 3-day detox.  wait….i can get all of the benefits of those crazy juice-fast things i’ve seen friends go on a million times, all by just taking a bubble bath?  sign me up!

according to the company, ina’s white gold salts “detoxify and add luminosity to skin.  the salts and essential oils are absorbed by the body’s cells to emit toxins that have accumulated over time through pollutants and the digestion of alcohol and processed foods.”  sounds perfect for a little mea culpa to remedy the holiday indulgences, don’t you think?

i’ll be honest:  i didn’t do the full detox, in which you’re supposed to dump all 35 ounces of the stuff into a bath.  i did the light version, in which you use a scoop at a time.  and i can tell you it definitely does lovely things for your skin…and i felt pretty seriously refreshed when i was done.  just sort of an overall “oh, that feels better” kind of feeling.  if i got that much from a scoop, i’d guess the full bag does some pretty serious work.

to get your “feel better” feeling, you can pick the ina detoxifying crystal salts up at space nk.

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