Tag Archives: vivre

leavin’ on a jet plane

that’s right, dear readers – i take columbus day pretty seriously, so i’m off for the weekend to visit my family in the frozen tundra.  it’s supposed to be 40 degrees…can’t wait.

so, i’ll see you back here on tuesday with something truly fabulous.  for now, i’m sharing a few things i think i’ll be needing this weekend, and some links to other sites i thought were particularly lovely this week.

(above:  mouton shearling coat by la squadra, $2,875; bop basics fingerless cashmere mittens, $65; giraffe print cashmere scarf by janavi, $375)

*  decor8 alerted me to a site called tas-ka which sells some fantastic euro home goods and accessories.  i’m particularly loving the brooches.  they’re based in the netherlands, but shipping to the US is frighteningly reasonable.

*  this week’s DIY on design*sponge is so cute, i may actually be forced to break out my glue gun.

*  and yeah, i’m pretty sure i’m going to have to order these barack obama barrettes for myself…

happy columbus day!

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