whoever said dogs are like kids never came home to this…

so last night, i took the hubs to see rent, as he’d never been. lovely show as always. got home around midnight, was doing my ‘getting ready for bed’ routine, when i heard a commotion in the backyard – our beagle was going completely crazy. so, i call to him to come inside….and as soon as he runs through the door, the entire house reaks. yes, my little beagle found a skunk. at midnight. let me just tell you how fun that is…..and just how rancid a skunk smells when it’s all over your house.

the things we do for our kids….fur-coated and otherwise.

i guess this means some introductions are in order. this is my skunk-infested beagle (photo by my genius hubs):

and this is our other princess…er, dog – jezebel. she’s an afghan hound. and yes, she lives up to her name. (sorry, i have to show two pictures….she’s just too cute):

this is her as a puppy:

and this is her now (with a little artistic flair from the hubs):

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3 comments on “whoever said dogs are like kids never came home to this…

  1. Jennifer

    Hey I’ve met them before! 😉 They’re still as cute as ever!

    I pray that Asia never gets into it with a skunk. Or any other animal, really. But a skunk? Ick.

    Did you bathe Bailey in tomato juice?

  2. shoppingsmycardio

    fortunately, he was only peripherally sprayed….our neighbor’s dog took the brunt of it. so, a veeeery long bath with his regular shampoo did the trick…along with leaving every window & door in the house open all night. what a mess!

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