valentines worth hearting: for her

i happen to love valentine’s day…i loved it when i was single, and i love it still. i used to get so excited about making those valentine boxes to house all of the goodies kids passed around to each other on valentine’s day, and the valentine selection process at the grocery store every year was […]

pretty in pink

i swear, the color theme this week was totally unintentional.  but i couldn’t let october go by without showing you a few things i’m loving in support of breast cancer awareness (BCA) month. as you probably know, each october, virtually every designer and beauty line under the sun releases a limited-edition pink item in support […]

what i want today: moss mills creations

i can’t even remember how i tracked these down, but ever since i first saw them, i’ve been completely obsessed with everything over at moss mills’ fabulous website. moss designs the most amazing pieces that really straddle the line between cutesy and edgy – a major blessing for those of us who love the cutesy […]

worth noting: alex woo on sale

so, remember the gorgeous ‘cypress’ necklace i featured a few days ago? the designer does some pretty amazing work overall – i’m very impressed. and lucky magazine has negotiated a 25% discount on all of their pieces (sadly, excluding the little icons collection) through this month. use code luckymag at checkout when you visit the […]