Tag Archives: gifts

shoppingsmycardio gifts: so many men, so little time…

i have no idea why, but men are just impossible for me to choose gifts for. every year, i spend at least twice as much time picking out gifts for the men in my life as i do the women. i’m not sure if they’re really that tough, or if it’s just that venus/mars thing, but i get a little sick of buying the standard cologne, tie or golf paraphernalia. so this year, i’m getting out of the rut.

one thing i know for sure is that the way to a man’s heart is undoubtedly through his stomach. enter the custom chip & dip kit from route 11. for just $33, you can choose four bags of chips and two dips, and they’ll arrive at his door fresh and ready for devouring in front of the televion during all of those christmas day football games. plus, you can choose crazy, boy-friendly flavors like habanero and dill pickle, or cheesy bacon dip (my hubs is totally drooling right now if he’s reading this).

another surefire success is alcohol – i don’t think there’s a guy in the world that would turn down a six-pack. i love the idea of picking up his favorite spirit, and tying this keychain flask to the bottle…especially since the flask is only $20, leaving you plenty of room to splurge on that 21-year-old glenlivet.

the man bag is a tricky business – you want something functional, and probably semi-professional looking, but it has to be unquestionably masculine. this version by serious sporting goods designer filson is rugged but tailored, incredibly well-designed (think solid brass hardware, double layers of waterproof canvas on the bottom, and leather trim made from the same stuff they use for horse bridles), and will be a great lightweight option, since it’s primarily canvas. and, since it’s coming from a company that designs hunting and fishing gear, no worries about the “it’s too metro” argument.

i love using gift-giving holidays as an excuse to equip the men in my life with things i think they should have. some might call it selfish, but i love it when people buy me things i’d never be able to justify buying myself. this ‘bottoms up’ hoodie by loomstate is a classic example. loomstate uses the most amazingly soft organic cotton, and this is a piece that will be a weekend staple for him for years to come – but i don’t know any guy that would spend $170 on a hoodie, no matter how much time i spend giving them the ‘cost per wear’ argument. plus, really: wouldn’t you rather borrow this than that threadbare fleece pullover he’s had since 1983?

or, if he’s past the hoodie stage of life, consider a classic cashmere sweater – i can’t say enough good things about the cashmere from vince, and this v-neck style is classic enough to work for just about any guy.

watches always feel like a great gift idea, until you get to the counter at the department store, where you’re promptly overwhelmed by the options. the truth is, i’ve tried a few times, and i’ve never been right yet. but if you have a guy on your list that’s on the hip side of square, i think this teak watch by nixon is about as cool as it gets. plus, it’s available from our friends at active endeavors, who give shoppingsmycardio readers that lovely 20% discount with code ‘cardio’, making this watch come in comfortably under $200.

if you’re buying for a guy that’s more geek than chic, the new ipod nano with video is probably the most obvious choice. i have to admit – they’re pretty dang cool. i like the product RED version, but i’m guessing most true blue geeks are going to go for the plain silver model. but if you’re looking for something a little more off the beaten path, i love these star wars USB flash drives from urban outfitters. they come packed with wallpaper, film trailers and clips from the movies – and he’ll be the coolest guy in the computer lab when he’s saving things to a storm trooper.

and if none of this fits the bill, aren’t the boys always telling us that the godfather is the greatest movie of all time? even if they’re dead wrong, this brand new annotated script is the ultimate guide to the ultimate guy movie. with stills, trivia, behind-the-scenes details plus a full script, he’ll be doing his best brando impression well after new year’s. pair it with the DVD box set, and this is one gift guaranteed to make you little miss popularity.

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shoppingsmycardio gifts: on the cheap

much as we all love to ooh and aah over the fabulously expensive and extravagant gift options out there, the sad truth is that i’m pretty well broke by the middle of december. so, for those of you who are still struggling to come up with the perfect gift with your less-than-perfect budget, here’s a list of ideas that won’t set you back more than $30. don’t say i never gave you anything good.

for your fashion forward friend, i love this gorgeous scarf by alena hennessy. made of super-soft knit jersey, it’s thin enough to layer, but still sure to keep her warm all winter and into the spring. pick it up for $28 from hennessy’s website.

if she’s more into jewels than jersey, i just can’t get enough of this darling little hedgehog necklace from the curiosity shoppe – he’s $20, and is sure to make any girl smile.

if she’s a paper freak like i am, she’ll love this gorgeous set of stationery by british designer cath kidson.
kidson is known for her over-the-top designs that manage somehow to make country into chic. the set includes 30 sheets of paper, mix-and-match envelopes, and a gorgeous gift box…all for $15.

or, if your paper freak friend likes things a little more refined, this letterpress calendar by decoy lab is one of the prettiest i’ve seen. buy it for $28 at their website, which is definitely worth checking over.

for the right-brained artist in your life, i just adore this little notebook by little otsu. it’s divided into three sections: the first is designed for to-do lists, but each has an origami pattern printed on the back, so she has incentive to check off those errands. the second section is made of blank pages waiting for her random sketches…but each page is pre-printed with a frame, so her impromptu artwork has a proper setting. and the third section has a mix of all sorts of different note-taking pages, so she’ll never get bored with the same old straight lines. nab it for $14, and shipping’s free!

if she’s a tea drinker, she’ll love this tea-for-one mug from urban outfitters – the two pieces match up to make a gorgeous peacock, and you can nab it for $24. or, if she’s more of an afternoon “coffee and snacks” person, i love this cafemug by shinzi katoh. it that comes with a little mini dish that’s perfect for packing with your afternoon ration of m&ms. there are a few different designs, but i love the birdcage best – how can you resist something with the word “gazouillement” (chirping, in french) printed on the side? grab it for $18 at three potato four.

good things come in small packages. i think just about every girl out there can use another mini purse to organize her life – i know i could. my favorites these days are vintage-style frame purses, and the best i’ve found are over at etsy. for well under that $30 mark, you can pick up some really gorgeous options from sellers like oktak, absoluut (who makes hers using vintage fabrics – so cool!), and takae. throw in an accessory, like a cute lip gloss (i love these cocktail lip glosses by not soap, radio) or a mirror, and you have a gift you know will keep on giving all year long. just remember, these are all handmade, one-of-a-kind items…so shop early, and allow a little extra time for shipping from these crafters.

and if none of these ideas work for you, shopbop has a lovely “under $100” list up right now. sure, it’s not as good as “under $30,” but we can’t all be rock stars.

ooh, and please, feel free to comment with any other ideas…i know this time of year i’m always scrambling for fabulous gift options, so share and share alike! after all, it’s better to give than to receive. (wait…that’s so not the motto we live by here at shoppingsmycardio…)

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shoppingsmycardio interviews: violet.com’s genius gift-givers

from the first time i stumbled onto violet, it has become my number one go-to for unique gift ideas. so, when founders bonnie cohen and amy barnett offered to chat with us about their best gifting tips and tricks, i jumped at the chance! with the calendar counting down to the 25th a little too quickly for my taste this year, i think you’ll find the ideas from these fabulous ladies inspiring, and maybe even a little bit life-saving.

shoppingsmycardio: I adore violet – it’s genius! How did the idea come together? And how did the two of you come together? 

Bonnie & Amy: We’ve known each other for many years. When we first met, we discovered that we owned a lot of identical stuff. So right off the bat, we admired each other’s style!

Bonnie has a background in Merchandising and Visual Design and Amy is an Electrical Engineer, so for us, the Web is a natural venue.

SMC: You have such a knack for finding gift ideas that really are off the beaten path. How do you come up with the items on your site? Are you sent ideas, or do you spend your days out shopping for great additions to the site? (and if so, how do I sign up for that gig!?)

Bonnie: I am constantly on the lookout for merchandise, and I source product everywhere I go! There’s lots of amazing stuff out there, but for Violet, I focus on the question, “What makes a great gift?”. Then I try to find things that are really fresh or totally timeless.

SMC: What is your absolute favorite item on the site right now?

Bonnie: I have a 3-way tie for favorite product: the American Honey Flight, the Retread Purse, and the Aviary Desk Set. The American Honey Flight has a gorgeous presentation, and producing it is a Labor of Love. The Retread Purse is “Eco-Couture” – constructed from tire inner tubes, it could be right at home in the front row during Fashion Week. The Aviary Desk Set harkens back to a time when manners and etiquette were revered. I’m a little nostalgic for that era; in this electronic era, I try to “reach out and touch” my friends with paper as much as I can.

SMC: Okay, I’m going to put you guys on the spot now – would you be willing to answer a few “what should I give this person” questions? Around the holidays, I’m always looking for a classic “works for everyone” gift – something to take to cocktail parties, give to clients, etc. It has to be classy and unique, but not too pricey…and I hate giving the standard bottle of wine. What ideas would you have for that?

B&A: the Who’s Wine-ing System. Solves the “Which glass is mine?” problem. Six color-coded tags slip onto glass stems; you can even write names on the tags (they wipe clean with a damp cloth). The tags are stored in a clever cube that fits on the neck of a wine bottle. For $14, it’s a great way to present a bottle of wine.

SMC: I think dads (and men in general) are the toughest to buy for. Either you buy for a hobby (hello, personalized golf tees), or you buy those super-boring traditional boy gifts: ties, cologne, or gadgets. What’s your best no-fail gift idea for men?

B&A: Men are definitely tough. These are our “field goals”:
1) The Astronaut Pen. Invented for the Apollo 7 Space mission (engineering requirement: must defy gravity). It is a design classic. Sleek and techie.
2) The Dinobite Bottle Opener. This is equal parts beast and sculpture — and it opens beer bottles. Genius.
3) The Fantasy Post-it System. Tear Post-It’s to fit any size thought. Also looks handsome and impressive on the desk.

SMC: What are your favorite websites/designers to check out for fabulous new ideas (other than your own, of course!)?

B&A: This is our hot list:
* Mahar Drygoods: Specialty kids merchandise, mainly vintage and artist-crafted.
* Rose and Radish: Unique, well-edited, themed collections. Lots of European designers.
* Charles and Marie: An interesting selection of off-the-grid, high-design products.
* Composition: Modern merchandise (and site design!).
* Papa Stour: Mostly hand crafted, contemporary products from Scotland. Beautiful things, and the photography is so evocative and dreamy.
And — we Etsy-hunt like crazy! So many cool finds from independent designers all over the globe!

SMC: What is the worst gift you’ve ever received?

Amy: Art. Terrible gift. 99% chance it’s not your “thing”. Your friend expects it to be prominently displayed; you have to manage storing it until they visit.

SMC: And the best?

Bonnie: Probably my very fabulous Best of Flair book that Amy bought me for my birthday one year.

Amy: Thanks, Bonnie!

SMC: What one gift-buying secret do you wish you could teach everyone out there?

B&A: When in doubt, you can’t go wrong with something that’s consumable!

a huge, huge thanks to the ladies over at violet – i know they’ve given me loads of ideas for gifting to others, not to mention myself (that “best of flair” book is my next must-buy item!).

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what i’m giving today: toasty toes

i know, i know – slippers are such obvious gifts. i would normally totally shy away from something so cliche. but the truth is that i really do love a good pair of cozy slippers…i abhor socks, so when the weather turns chilly, i pretty well live in slippers. they’re my winter version of flipflops. plus, let’s be honest – raise your hand if you’d die happy just finding a wonderful gift for your friend X right about now…obvious or not. i thought so.

anyway, if you’re going to go traditional, i thought i’d share a few pair that i’m coveting this winter.

if the girl on your list is a little more tailored in her tastes, these gorgeous cashmere ballet slippers from banana republic will keep her toes toasty in style. we know i loooove shoes that come in cute little bags, and these do. my favorite is the grey, but the black is subtle enough she might even be able to keep these at her desk for those “i’m going to amputate my foot if i can’t take these 4-inch heels off stat” days.

these hot pink shearling slippers from j.crew are making me really happy right now – i love the bright color, which will bring you out of even the worst winter blah. and the shearling is sure to keep your toes toasty. plus, the rubber soles will give you enough traction to make it down the driveway to grab the morning paper without killing yourself…a slipper feature i’ve overlooked to my own downfall (no pun intended) more than once. at $60 this is a completely do-able gift option for any girl on your list.

oh, and if you can find other gift options to pick up while you’re there (i love their enamel bangles this fall, and the gorgeous shearling gloves that would be a perfect match for those slippers), j.crew is offering 20% off purchases of $175 or more, but only through thursday, 12/6 – use code SHHH to cash in.

if you’re looking for something really exceptional in the slipper department, this burberry version is a no-brainer. sure, they’re $150, but again, they have that cute little pouch! plus, they’re going to go with darn near anything, and they’ll be cute year-round.

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what i want today: moss mills creations

i can’t even remember how i tracked these down, but ever since i first saw them, i’ve been completely obsessed with everything over at moss mills’ fabulous website.

moss designs the most amazing pieces that really straddle the line between cutesy and edgy – a major blessing for those of us who love the cutesy but are feeling maybe a wee bit too old to sport the giant bird necklace i’m seeing on every 18-year-old on the street. it’s darling, don’t get me wrong…i just know i’m past being able to pull it off.

but moss understands. so, instead of the giant bird, he gives me this gorgeous ‘audrey’ necklace (above) – a heart covered with flowers, which should be way too girly, but because it’s a little larger, and because i can buy it in stunning rose gold (which i’m completely in love with these days), i’m counting the minutes until i can bring it home and sport it with any number of gorgeous ensembles.

or, if you’re wanting something a little less traditional, this forrest necklace is high on my list as well. the size (about 1″x1.5″) is perfect – it’s subtle, but still noticeable, so it’ll be perfect paired with just about any weekend look. and the design is so gorgeous – i just love the detail.

and, i have to admit, there’s a very big part of me that’s wondering if i can still pull off an animal necklace, as sammy, pedro, and barney are all calling my name something fierce.

while you’re there, don’t forget to check out their gorgeous rings. the sevilla has major long-term potential (i can completely see keeping this in my jewelry box and having my favorite niece nab it in 20 years), and i’m just loving that rose gold again. but i have to admit that i’m sort of loving the overly girly nature of the georgia and the new chrys as well.

i have no doubt you’ll all be finding much to covet (and much to gift) at moss mills…and they haven’t even released their upcoming clothing line yet. definitely stay tuned for that!

or, if you happen to live in the LA area, moss just opened a boutique on 3rd street, which would be well worth a stop. from the pictures i’ve seen, it looks outstanding!

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what i’m giving today: everything jonathan adler is selling

i’m literally so in love with jonathan adler right now that every single person on my list would be getting gifts from him if i could afford it. he just makes me happy. his site is completely cheerful, his designs are modern and hip, but fun and relaxed (i really hate most modern design because it’s so stiff and uncomfy-looking), and i am such a sucker for using bright color in design, which is one of his mantras.

and really, there isn’t a single person on your gift list who couldn’t use a little jonathan adler in their life.

your favorite domestic diva? she’ll go nuts for this gorgeous utopia faces platter, which will be perfect for all of her holiday fetes. or consider this fabulous muse candle, which will make her house smell fantastic and inspire endless exclamations of “where did you find that!” for months to come.

the guy you can never think of anything to buy for? if he’s under 40, nab this fabulous condom caddy…and stock it chock full of some glow-in-the-dark items, just for added kitsch. (it was all my hubs could do to talk me down from buying this for my little brother. something about it being creepy for your big sis to buy you condoms…hmm, maybe he has a point.)

if the guy is over 40, my vote goes to the utopia remote box or the key keeper, both of which will put those things they need most within easy reach.

i can guarantee that several people on my list are getting this darling utopia mug. throw a bag of your favorite tea and a little bit of honey, and there isn’t a person i know who wouldn’t love this gift.

i don’t know about you, but my BFF would fall hard for this darling disco chick – i’m dying to install her on a chair in my living room. and for your favorite friend who’s been naughtier than nice, the sins pillow would be the perfect addition to their boudoir.

even grandma’s taken care of – she’d flip for the darling spectacles case or the lipstick case, and she’ll think of you every time she pulls those reading glasses out of her purse.

last but not least, i think just about anyone would find themselves loving adler’s decorating how-to, “my prescription for anti-depressive living.” the pics are gorgeous, the advice is lighthearted but oh-so-true, and the best part is that if you order it from his site, you’ll get an autographed copy! sure, you can buy it at amazon for $12 less, but i think the autograph really makes the gift. this book really is fabulous – i leaf through my copy all the time, and it never fails to make me want to paint a wall orange…or maybe lime green.

and, in case you needed more incentive to wrap up your holiday shopping at the adler online extravaganza, there’s a ‘spend some, get some’ coupon available. use code holidaylicious and get $20 off $150, $40 off $250, $60 off $350…and so on. plus, free shipping on orders over $150, so you have even more incentive to spend, spend, spend. isn’t that what the holidays are all about?

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what i’m giving today: lipstick queen’s poppy purse

for the die-hard makeup diva on my holiday list, this limited edition piece from lipstick queen is a no-brainer. each hand-screened silk pouch comes packed with lipstick queen’s signature shade of red, in both ‘saint’ (sheer) and ‘sinner’ (matte), so she’ll be ready for any and all occasions.

and when the lipstick’s gone, this gorgeous purse was designed to be the perfect size to hold credit cards, keys, and other minor necessities of life.

only 100 were made, so snap up this perfect gift at barney’s while you still can!

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what i’m giving today: gifts from orange button

yep, time for those holiday guides you’re seeing everywhere. rather than just narrowing down by group, we’ll be doing things a bit more random-like over here. we’ll be doing some of the standard guides/idea lists, but other days, we’ll tell you about just one fabulous gift, or maybe a whole website with so many fabulous gifting ideas that i just had to show them all.

like today, for instance. this site is so chock full of fabulous gifts that they get their very own post. truly, i think i can find something for just about everyone on my list at orange button, and all at prices low enough that i can justify picking up a little bonus gift for myself!

if you have kids on your list, please, please, buy them this darling peanut blue bluebird. if you have two to buy for, i think agatha the elephant is the logical next choice, but there are lots of darling options to choose from (including this completely fabulous mobile, if you happen to have $180 to spend).

i’m also loving these gorgeous solid wood bangles – these are cool enough that they’ll work with so many different personal styles. they’re all stunning, but the koa, quilted sapele and zebrawood are my favorites. i would give one to my best friend, and one to my assistant, and i know they’d both love them.

for the perfect hostess, pick up a few of these darling coasters, and give them along with a gorgeous bottle of pink champagne. i love the ones with the drinking girls, but the “it’s that kind of party. you want to be there. trust me” coasters are meant to be mailed as invitations. in the right hands, these are a party waiting to happen.

with all of the “no plastic bags, ever” hype this year, cute tote bags are a dime a dozen. but the truth is, if you find the right design, they’re the perfect holiday gift for just about anyone. i mean, i own more tote bags than i could even begin to mention, but i’m always excited when i find a new one i can’t live without. loads of fabulous options, but my favorites are the nest tote (great for me, your mom, or a friend with more tailored, subdued taste) and the big hen, made from vintage 1970s fabric (for that friend whose personal style is so funky and fabulous that you spend most of your time being jealous that she can pull off purple tights). of course, don’t overlook the other options: i love the forest vintage and the flower branch too. they’re a bargain at $25, but if you have a little extra to spend, never give an empty tote. fill it with a book or a couple of magazines the recipient will love, or just hit the drugstore and fill it with some holiday candy. you can never go wrong with chocolate!

and, if you have a paper fiend on your list, the options are endless. i’d either hand pick a stack of five or six of the fabulous greeting cards on the site, and put them together in a pretty wooden box tied with twine, or i might just pick up this beautiful silkscreened print, and put it into a fabulous frame.

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