Tag Archives: nina garcia’s look book: what to wear for every occasion

must read: nina garcia’s look book

isn’t there something about the day after labor day that has that “first day of school” ring to it?  it’s like life suddenly got serious again, and maybe you need a new box of pencils and a trapper keeper to see you through.

anyway.  i know what i could use this week is a little burst of energy and creativity into my closet.  with no ‘school clothes’ shopping to reinvigorate my wardrobe, i’m wishing for just a handful of new ideas to help me feel a bit more pulled together as we head into my favorite season for clothes.  thank god for nina garcia.

if ever there were someone that should be in charge of the world of fashion, it’s nina garcia.  while she and i have our disagreements occasionally over project runway contestants, i know her real-life style, and style philosophy in general, to be utterly flawless.

she’s just released her latest book, “nina garcia’s look book: what to wear for every occasion” (you all probably remember “the one hundred“), and if i were going to recommend a single style book to all of you, i’m almost positive this would be it.  nina made a list of just about every challenging life situation you’ll face – from a first date to a break-up, from a job interview to a funeral – and mapped out exactly what you should wear to look flawless, confident, and perfectly stylish.  along the way, she tosses in advice on how to carry yourself through each of these life events with impeccable poise and grace – in fact, i think there’s a bit more life advice in this title than style advice. it feels almost guru-like…it’s warm and thoughtful and wise, but clear that she’s definitely the one in charge.

oh, and those beautiful ruben toledo illustrations don’t hurt one bit, either.

for those days when i  have not a clue what to wear (and believe me, i have them as often as you do), having nina’s book on my shelf is like a little dose of reassurance in a very stressed-out world.  and i’ll take all the reassurance i can get!

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