Category Archives: myself and i

resolved: branching out

So, we’ve talked about beauty resolutions and splurge-y resolutions. But what about a resolution that (at least on its face) won’t cost you a cent? I’m talking about a fashion resolution…one that’s built to help you look your best in 2012 with only a minimum of effort.

Every year, I make a fashion resolution for myself. Just a little something to help me step out of the same old sartorial box, so to speak. My first fashion resolution was to wear more scarves. They’d always felt daunting to me – like I didn’t have that effortless something that consummate scarf-wearers you see out in the world (mostly in Paris) seem to have. But they bring so much color and style to a look, plus they’re just gorgeous to look at. So, I committed to spending a year getting to know scarves. And by the end of that year, I had a healthy new scarf collection (and a mild obsession with Epice). But I also had something less tangible: no more scarf-related anxiety. And that, it turns out, is exactly what that “effortless something” was. Scarf-wearing people just do it. Throw them on without a care, without worrying too much about matching or tying or perfecting, et voila.

The next year it was ankle boots. I hadn’t owned a single pair, but I was intent. And now? Total short boot aficionado – it’s an illness, really. And then, last year was jewelry. Sure enough, by the end of 2011, not only had my jewelry box expanded considerably, but I actually taught myself (well, with the help of certain talented friends) to make a few pieces on my own, which has proven to be immensely satisfying, in that “Told you I could do it” sort of way.

The key is to keep it small, and specific. Pick one particular thing you’d like to do better in your sartorial life, and decide to make it happen. Are you envious of a friend who always has the most stunningly creative up-dos in her hair (Kim Brandt, our style-savvy new columnist is one such person for me)? Commit to wearing your hair up more in 2012. Are scarves still scary for you? Trust me – they’re not. Resolve to give it a try.

As for me, my BFF has mentioned on more than one occasion that I might be a little too reliant on denim in my wardrobe (I believe her exact words were something like “I can’t remember the last time I saw you wear something other than jeans.”). My initial reaction was that she should be glad I wear anything other than a ratty tee and yoga pants, given the fact that I work from home 90% of the time. Plus, the chasm between denim and work-ready trousers is deep, and mighty hard to traverse (khakis? cropped skinnies?). But after the initial defensiveness wore off, I gave it some more thought. Why not branch out a bit? Sure, denim is wonderful, and I have no intention of banning it from my closet. But maybe I could try a few alternatives, and see what happens. It’s worth a shot, surely.

All this to say that 2012 may well be the year of the pant. A few ideas that are already brewing in my head:

{Options from: Zara / Sonia Rykiel / Zara again / Tory Burch / More Tory Burch}

(Do you like how I used the fancy graphic to turn this into an “Official Resolution”? Mind games – I tell you, they work.)

I’ll keep you posted on this little experiment, naturally. But in the meantime, are there any fashion resolutions you’re thinking of undertaking? The “Year of the Tiara” perhaps?

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resolved: the worthy splurge

It’s all about resolutions this week at SMC. But not the kind that make you feel sad and lazy because you skipped the gym only 6 days into the new year. I’m talking about the kind of resolution that you get excited about! The kind you can’t lose! The kind that’s totally, totally worth keeping.

This year, I’m resolving to save for a true worthy splurge. I’m still narrowing the field, but leaning heavily toward a Chanel bag for myself (don’t panic – consignment is just fine by me). Or a trip to Paris (with my new Chanel bag…).

Saving, as opposed to hemorrhaging money every time Sigerson Morrison shows up on Gilt Groupe, can be a tricky business. Especially once you get a hefty chunk of change in the bank – all of a sudden, that $200 Inhabit cardigan on super sale at The Outnet feels like a steal. So, to help me keep my resolution, I’ve scoured the interwebs for photos of my dream bag, made myself a little inspiration board, and will be printing it (on actual paper), and hanging it somewhere within easy view of my computer screen.

Images: 1 (c/o Sony Pictures) / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

This way, whenever temptation comes calling, I’ll have an immediate reminder of the greater good – and, hopefully, at least allow myself a moment to prioritize.

Now, does this mean I’m squirreling away every spare cent until my goal is reached? Or that I’m not spending a dime on other purchases until it happens? Of course not. Deprivation is not a virtue in my book. Telling myself I can’t have anything only makes me want everything. This applies in shopping, in diets, even in life.

But it means I’m going to take a breath before I type in those credit card numbers. It means I’m going to look at those gorgeous photos of my dream bag, and decide if the purchase in question is worth setting me back on my goal just a bit. To put it in Buddhist parlance, I’m hoping to be a bit more mindful. And if this splurge takes two (or ten) years to make, I’ll be just fine. Chanel, however lovely, is not an emergency.

So, here’s a fun question: If you resolved to save for a worthy splurge, what would it be?

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resolved: a beautiful 2012

Hi, friends! I’ve missed you so. How was your holiday season? I hope each and every one of you rested, relaxed, and ate much too much (but not so much that your jeans are tight today).

I’m running a little late today, but I can hardly be blamed. With new markdowns at Shopbop (additional 20% off sale items already 50% or 70% off with code EXTRA20), new markdowns at Net-a-Porter and a slew of new arrivals at The Outnet, not to mention a week’s worth of blog reading to catch up on, I burned my surfing hours this morning in a most irresponsible way. I’m also nursing a cold, which doesn’t help anyone move any faster. But I know you understand.

In any case, I’ve been thinking a lot about resolutions over the last couple of days…’tis the season, after all. To be honest, I’m not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions, in the traditional sense. Not at all. Take a picture a day, read a book a month, go to the gym three times a week – they’re all laudable goals, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that, in my opinion, anything that sets you up for failure and self-loathing is a bad way to start the year.

But I think there’s a way to craft a resolution that can bring you only joy and satisfaction, and those are the variety I heartily endorse. So, this week, I thought we’d talk a little about that.

Today’s suggestion? Do something better for yourself – make a beauty resolution.

{Because, really, what resolution could be better than one that leaves you with skin like this?}

Splurge on that amazing facial product you’ve been eyeing – your skin deserves its best year yet. Sure, maybe you can’t afford to revamp your entire system right now, but start with one really decadent product you’ll look forward to putting on every day. My latest obsession is Armani’s Regenessense, which works wonders for making my skin lighter, brighter and infinitely happier. It dissolves worries and redness, and gives you that glow you thought could only be achieved through pregnancy or airbrushing. Yes, it’s $140 a bottle. But it will last 3-4 months, which is critical to remember when gasping at the cash register as you invest in these things.

Resolve to exfoliate. Or to treat yourself to a monthly pedicure. Or a beautiful, bold red lipstick that will make you feel like the daring diva you secretly are. Or, take it a step further and resolve to get yourself quarterly facials. If you’re anything like me, facials get relegated to the bottom of the spa list (massages being just that wonderful). But if you find a wonderful aesthetician (my favorites, if you happen to be in Portland, are Brynndle at Portland Spa or Ginny at Blooming Moon), they’ll make the experience as relaxing as any massage, with the added benefit of making you look amazing for days afterward.

Whatever it is that will make your heart a little lighter when you look in the mirror, or make you a little more excited to head to the bathroom for your nighttime facial routine – resolve to treat yourself to it this year.

So, tell me – what beauty resolutions are you inspired to make? I’d love to hear! And tomorrow, we’ll talk fashion resolutions. As you might expect, I have a few.

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happy happy, merry merry!

As you might expect, I’m off to spend a wonderful week with my nearest and dearest. But I will have a little New Year’s surprise from of my very favorite guest writers who will be popping in next week, so check back in for that. Something tells me you’ll absolutely love it!

Truly, my friends, I hope you have an unforgettable holiday season. Whether you’re celebrating with roast turkey and pumpkin pie or bad Chinese food and a movie, I hope your week is filled with family, friends, joy, laughter and plenty of hot cocoa.

{My dog, Daisy, who wanted to help with the holiday decorating}

I’ll see you back here in the new year!

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mail call: hayden-harnett’s bespoke scarf arrives!

I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine: the Baron Reginald von FancyPants. The Baron, as he’s known to friends and family, generally spends his days hanging out in my entryway, bedecked in his customary uniform of fedora and ironic necktie (or occasionally a tiara, when he’s feeling frisky). You see, he’s a bit of a clotheshorse (clothestiger? Anyway.). Since his love for sartorial adventure knows no bounds, today he’s agreed to be a supermodel:

Isn’t he a handsome devil? I know, you’re captivated…by that gorgeous scarf around his neck. It’s my bespoke photo scarf from Hayden-Harnett, which you all helped me pick out, and it arrived this very day! I’m so glad I trusted your opinions – it’s absolutely beautiful. Want a closer look?

I’m just so, so thrilled with how it turned out! The silk is so soft and sheer, but still has body to it, which is the ideal recipe for scarf tying perfection. The photo reprinted beautifully, with so many subtle color variations in the light from yellow to peach to red. And if you look closely, you can see one of my grandmother’s vintage Christmas ornaments reflected in one of the circles of light, which makes it even more special to me. My husband is even wowed – he said it’s one of the prettiest scarves I own (and believe me, I’ve amassed a bit of a collection).

If you’ve been on the fence about trying out this amazing service from Hayden-Harnett, let me tell you – it’s absolutely, completely worth it. I’m giddy with excitement, and can hardly wait to wear the bejeezus out of it this holiday season (and beyond)! My only sorrow is that you won’t be able to order one in time to have it for the holidays. But for those of you celebrating the Festival of Last-Minute shopping, a gift certificate for one of these babies is going to be high on my December 24th list of suggestions.

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opinions needed!

{EDITOR’S NOTE: You wise, wise judges have spoken…Christmas lights it is! I can’t wait to see it in person, and will – of course – let you see it the moment it arrives. Thanks for all of your help!}

Friends, I am having a serious crisis of indecision, and I need help! I’ve been obsessed with trying out Hayden-Harnett’s Bespoke Scarf service for the longest time, and I’m finally ready to take the plunge. But, as is usually the case, I’m paralyzed by indecision. So many amazing choices! I’ve narrowed it down to three, but I simply can’t go any further. And so, I’m leaving it to you stylish people to help me pick.

Option One: my adorable dog’s nose. Sentimental for sure, but I’m not sure how this one will look when worn…could go either way.

Option Two: a fun, graphic photo of our Christmas tree last year. Sentimental because it reminds me of a wonderful holiday, and I think the pattern will look so pretty as a scarf – like polka dots, but better.

Option Three: a beach photo from a vacation to Mexico. Still a bit sentimental, and I absolutely love the colors in this – I think it would be a great “mental vacation” scarf to wear on gloomy days.

So, friends – what do you say? Opinions in the comments section, please!

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crafty girl: my etten eller jewelry hack

Every so often, I get a wild hair about a DIY project. I see something ( it’s usually jewelry), and I say to myself, “Self, you have to have that! But it’s $200/$400/$1,000,000!” Then comes the scary part. You know what’s coming…say it along with me. “You know, I could totally make that!”

We’ve all said it at some point, no? And then it goes into our mental DIY file, the place we put all those projects we plan to do, never to be seen or heard from again.

But, for once in my life, I actually finished one of these little DIY dreams. Can you imagine? And so, blatantly plagarized for your enjoyment, the Etten Eller necklace I couldn’t live without:

And my version:

What do you think, friends? Not quite as wonderful as the original, but it’s not bad for $50 in beads, I think. I do have some residual guilt about knocking off a designer piece, but the I-did-it-myself pride is doing a good job of mitigating that for me. Of course, if you factor in the 15 hours I spent hemming and hawing, finding suppliers, actually deciding to order the goods, and the relatively minor 45 minutes it took me to make the necklace once I had everything, I’m not sure I actually saved any money. But if you’re more decisive than I am, it’s definitely worth the effort!

On the off chance you get a wild hair about doing the same thing, I’ll give you a list of materials and tips after the jump. Read on

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the end of an era (or at least a birthday)

Friends, thank you so, so much for all of the birthday love this week. What did I ever do without all of you? I’m a lucky girl – and oh, so grateful. Since it’s the last day of my birthday week, I think I’m going to make the most of it by spending the day with a few of my favorite things:

{This photo was one of my all-time favorite birthday gifts, taken by my dear friend, A.}

{via The Importance of Salt}

{My cute little family…sans husband, as I think he’d be weirded out if I posted his handsome photo}

Have a great weekend, everyone. See you back here on Monday, another year older…and hopefully thinner wiser!

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