beauty buzz: sizzling summer essentials

when the temperature climbs, my normally fastidious skin care and makeup routines go right out the window, along with every ounce of patience in my being.  i’m forced to pare down to basics, because i just can’t stand being cooped up in a steamy bathroom for any longer than absolutely necessary. so, i thought i’d […]

happy thanksgiving! and some travel-worthy finds…

well, dear readers, i’m leaving on a jet plane…off to quarrel with family, eat too much stuffing, and most likely have a nervous breakdown when i see the crowds at whole foods. ah, the holidays… i’ll be taking the rest of this week off, and that means you’re on your own for black friday. something […]

home again!

hi, readers!!  i’m back from the tropics, and missed you all terribly…i saw so many things i wanted to blog, but alas, the pina colada in my hand was weighing me down.  i had some very grand plans for my first day back…but well, i’m exhausted, and it’s just not happening.  so, i’ll leave you […]

the annual “best of” list

every year when i get out my (completely lovely) new calendar, i love to think back through my year of retail and consider what really ended up being the best and worst purchases of the year.  the worst are harder to remember…they tend to fade into the recesses of my mind.  but the best are […]

SMC beauty buys: suki sensitive cleansing bar

nothing like a little chat about cleanser to really get you revved up, i know.  the truth is, a good cleanser is essential, but thoroughly un-fun to shop for, so i thought i’d let you all know about the new sensitive cleansing bar from suki ($10.95) that’s keeping my face squeaky clean and quite happy. made from lemongrass and shea butter, this is […]