Category Archives: must reads

must read: parisian chic

Ines de la Fressange’s book, Parisian Chic, releases today…and, if you haven’t already seen it mentioned in the pages of virtually every fashion magazine in print this spring, allow me to introduce you.  When the press copy of this book arrived in my mailbox, I opened it up for a quick flip-through.  An hour later, I realized I’d been sucked in…but still didn’t manage to put it down until I got to the very last page.  It’s that lovely.

Now sure, I’m a long-time devotee of the simple, classic, innate style all French women seem to possess.  And granted, it’s been so long since I got to travel internationally that I’ve been borderline obsessed with all things European of late, particularly as they relate to Paris.  But even if you’re not a girl who reads Garance Dore’s blog first thing every morning, beelines for Vogue Paris in the bookstore, and daydreams about being able to wear an Hermes scarf with effortless ease (yep, guilty on all counts), you’re going to find so much to love in this book.

What did I tell you?  You already want to know what each of those girls is wearing, and “have to have” at least one thing pictured…if not every last one.  Am I right?

Never fear.  In the book, fashion icon Ines de la Fressange gives you a great list of the classic wardrobe pieces every Parisian woman counts on, and adds styling tips to help you make the look your own.  But she also gives you the inside scoop on all of her favorite French boutiques, from well-known favorites to tiny gems I’d never heard of.  Let me assure you, you’ll spend a considerable amount of time surfing her picks when you should be working.

But mostly, Parisian Chic – miracle of miracles – made me feel better about the clothes I already have.  It reminded me it’s not about the latest, most trendy item on the runways.  It’s about simple, chic staples that you can wear dozens of different ways.  It’s about what looks best on your body, not the body of the latest “It Girl.”  And sometimes, it’s about knowing when to take that list of chic must-haves from a well-known stylish girl, and turn it on its head.  After all, a cognac Kelly bag works for a lot of women, and your bright yellow handbag might not be de rigeur for every Parisian, but if it brightens your day and makes your style unique, embrace it!

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must read: the tiger’s wife

i haven’t been reading enough “real” books lately…i let my brain check out and read throwaways too often.  i spotted the tiger’s wife, by tea obreht, being reviewed in elle (i think?), then nylon, then i saw a full-page feature in vogue.  message received.  this novel is getting rave reviews at every turn, particularly in light of the fact that the author is just 24 years old.  but there’s no trace of that youth in her debut novel.

the story takes place in a war-torn balkan state, chronicling the life of a young girl, largely through memory.  the story begins with the death of her grandfather (i don’t think i’m spoiling anything there), and then turns into a biography/mystery of sorts, as she uses her memories to spin the story of her childhood with her grandparents, then to attempt to solve the mystery of her grandfather’s death.  it’s a beautifully written novel, almost reading like a fable or something from chaucer…every character is more than they seem, and every event carries more meaning than it first appears.

while it took me a while to really get sucked in, i’ve found myself staying up past midnight reading this one on at least two separate nights.  for me, that’s the mark of a must-read.

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must read: creative girl

i can’t believe i haven’t talked about this yet…shame on me.  you see, my dear friend, katharine sise, has written a book!  really, that would excite me, no matter what.  but it also happens to be wonderful!

it’s called creative girl, and the best way i can describe it is to imagine the conversation you dream of having with a mentor before doing something drastic like quitting your high-paying, high-reliability day job to design jewelry (which is exactly what katharine did).  you know the conversation i’m talking about: it’s the one where the person you most admire professionally spills every secret to succeeding,  holds your hand as you describe your plan in detail, asks you pertinent questions, and helps you figure out – after hours of analysis – whether your idea is good, and exactly how to get it started.  perfection, right?

katharine definitely writes from experience – she’s wildly successful as a jewelry designer, television host, writer, and countless other areas – but the whole book just feels like a cozy conversation with a (very smart) friend.  the book is complete with workbook-style questionnaires, checklists, quizzes and other activities that i’ll admit felt a little, well, cheesy during my initial flip-through.  but the closer i looked, i realized that if you actually participated in the reading of this book (meaning thinking about the questions and their answers), by the end, you’d almost certainly know whether you had a real business on your hands, and have already done a good bit of the work to get it started.

creative girl is an absolute must if you’re thinking of ditching your day job to pursue your real passion, whatever that might be.  which, let’s face it, is one of those dreams we all test out from time to time, right?

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get gifting: martha’s apprentice

if your friend can always be counted on to arrive at the party toting an immaculate 3-layer cake, if you envy her impeccable housekeeping every time you stop by, and if you’re still secretly hoping for an invite to her home for the holidays, you have a martha’s apprentice on your hands.  but never fear: they’re easy to gift!  show up with anything that will make her perfect little haven even the tiniest bit more idyllic, and you’re sure to please.

(incidentally, these ideas all make excellent hostess gifts as well…in case you’re tired of showing up with flowers or wine to every holiday fete you attend.)


DC_Committee_Home Cushion_F

Picture 1

left to right, from top: burn candle in asian pear persimmon, $35; ren holiday duo in grapefruit, $45 (love that gorgeous chinoiserie wallpaper on the box!); home pillow by committee for the rug company, $775; new york parties: private views, $35; organic bay leaf and rosemary wreath, $70; linnea’s lights candle in winter, $29; john derian walled city decoupage tray, $110; hand-painted vase by paulova, $75; crafting a meaningful home – meg mateo ilasco, $17; simple times: crafts for poor people – amy sedaris, $15.

{FTC disclaimer: some product samples were provided to help me compile this guide, but as usual, there’s no pay-for-play here.}

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gift guide: the bookworm

for the person on your list who flat-out refuses to get a kindle, because she just loves the way a book feels in her hands, here’s a list of ideas she’ll be thrilled to see on christmas morning.  as usual, if i start playing favorites, i’ll begin telling you how much i loved the widower’s tale, and how i can’t wait to start reading unbearable lightness, and the next thing you know, i’ll have raved about every single thing on this list.  but i can’t move on without telling you that that pride and prejudice sweatshirt is the best. sweatshirt. ever.  it’s unbelievably snuggly, but somehow manages not to make me look like a slob.  and i’m not just saying that because i’m wearing it right now.

left to right, from top: oogy: the dog only a family could love, $10; ansel adams in the national parks, $24; out of print book cover tees, from $28 (includes donation of a book to a community in need!); book darts, $10; jonathan adler dachsund bookends, $40; the widower’s tale, by julia glass, $16; unbearable lightness: a story of loss and gain, by portia de rossi, $14; anthology magazine subscription (lord, i miss good magazines!), $38; postcards from penguin, $25.

{FTC disclaimer: some product samples were provided to help me compile this guide, but as usual, there’s no pay-for-play here.}

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this just in: assouline at gilt groupe

before we all head off for our weekends, couldn’t resist sharing a sale that has me salivating.  assouline, one of my favorite art book publishers, is on gilt today.  their titles are notoriously gorgeous, and never, ever go on sale, so this is an exciting one!

to check out the sale, go here if you’re not a member yet (shame on you!).  if you are, head on over here to get right to the goods~

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must reads: october’s fiction list

editor’s note:  have you entered our inhabit cashmere giveaway yet?  if not, today’s your last chance…don’t miss it!

now that the weather has cooled off, chances are you’ll be looking for a few books to curl up with this month.  so i thought i’d update you on a few of my favorites from the massive pile of books i’ve made it through over the last few weeks.

the heart of the matter (emily giffin):  i’ve always loved emily giffin’s books…i think she and i are just on similar life paths.  when she wrote about weddings, i was in the middle of mine.  baby drama (or at least other people’s baby drama)?  check.  and her latest book is about a couple who’s been married for a few years, settled into their lives, and then everything changes.  okay, so that last part isn’t exactly right.  but i still loved reading about women at a similar place in their lives, going through things i can imagine going through, and seeing how they handle it.  it’s a great read, and i think giffin is one of the best chick lit writers out there.

the cookbook collector (allegra goodman): this one took me a long time to fall into…but about 150 pages in, the author finally hooked me, and i flew through the rest.  it’s the story of a pair of sisters and the way they each navigate very different lives, intertwined with some pre- and post-9/11 fallout and an interesting side story about, shockingly, a cookbook collector.  it is well written, though i felt like the author was trying a little too hard sometimes.  so, not as high on my list as it was on some others (this was *the* fall book to read according to several different magazines), but it was a good read.

the great man (kate christensen):  i actually picked this book up over a year ago, and it’s been languishing on my bookshelf ever since.  but now that i’ve finished it, i can’t believe it took me so long.  it’s the story of a (fictional) famous painter who’s died, and the stories the women in his life have to tell about him.  it’s beautifully written, and the character development is absolutely perfect.  if you’re into character dramas, this is one of the best i’ve read in a while.

next, i’m still working through barbara kingsolver’s latest, the lacuna, a new title from julia glass, who i love, and a whole pile of anne lamott books i can’t wait to dive into.

what have you been reading lately?

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friday finds: sugar, shine and stripes

welcome to this week’s friday finds!  i have a pretty fabulous weekend brewing…tonight kicks off the greek festival here in portland, an event i wait longingly for every single year (mmm, gyros and baklava!).  and later, hubs is whisking me off for an overnight shopping excursion to seattle (barneys! club monaco! madewell!)!  so, without further ado, let’s get this show on the road so i can start making my shopping list.

i’m a little too excited about these baking books by the talented duo behind baked in brooklyn…when the box from the publisher arrived, i actually squealed.  but with good reason: their first book has been on my wishlist for ages (if only because in it, they divulge their now-legendary brownie recipe), and their newest title, baked: explorations, just released this very day, and promises even more high-calorie wonderfulness.  now that fall weather has settled in, my kitchenaid mixer will be coming out of hibernation, and i can hardly wait to try out some of these recipes. what can i say, they had me at “peanut butter crispy bar.”  (or was it at “ginger rum molasses cookies”? or “red velvet whoopie pie”?  or…)

i wasn’t sure i was going to show this one off, as i’m still hoping to take a closer look at these pricey pieces before i fully commit (and drag you all along with me). but while i’m waiting, and can’t resist showing you all this initial necklace by jennifer zeuner any longer.  i’m obsessed with the antique styling, and i think it would be the perfect ‘wear every day’ piece to layer with longer pendants.  the price is a little daunting (ahem, $760), but those are real diamonds, and i’ve scoured the web without coming up with a single adequate substitute.  with fall’s new trends heading back toward classic pendants, this one is high on my list for number one.

last but not least, we’ll be talking more about the gap next week, but i tried on this mariner top last night at the store, and it’s well worth your $34.50.  it’s made of a very thick, sturdy knit, and fits like a dream – a better, more tailored version of the infamous saint james shirts, but at less than half the price, this is a no-brainer.  oh, wait…did i mention you can take 25% off today with code GAPSAVE?

have a great weekend, everyone!

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