Category Archives: must reads

must read: nina garcia’s look book

isn’t there something about the day after labor day that has that “first day of school” ring to it?  it’s like life suddenly got serious again, and maybe you need a new box of pencils and a trapper keeper to see you through.

anyway.  i know what i could use this week is a little burst of energy and creativity into my closet.  with no ‘school clothes’ shopping to reinvigorate my wardrobe, i’m wishing for just a handful of new ideas to help me feel a bit more pulled together as we head into my favorite season for clothes.  thank god for nina garcia.

if ever there were someone that should be in charge of the world of fashion, it’s nina garcia.  while she and i have our disagreements occasionally over project runway contestants, i know her real-life style, and style philosophy in general, to be utterly flawless.

she’s just released her latest book, “nina garcia’s look book: what to wear for every occasion” (you all probably remember “the one hundred“), and if i were going to recommend a single style book to all of you, i’m almost positive this would be it.  nina made a list of just about every challenging life situation you’ll face – from a first date to a break-up, from a job interview to a funeral – and mapped out exactly what you should wear to look flawless, confident, and perfectly stylish.  along the way, she tosses in advice on how to carry yourself through each of these life events with impeccable poise and grace – in fact, i think there’s a bit more life advice in this title than style advice. it feels almost guru-like…it’s warm and thoughtful and wise, but clear that she’s definitely the one in charge.

oh, and those beautiful ruben toledo illustrations don’t hurt one bit, either.

for those days when i  have not a clue what to wear (and believe me, i have them as often as you do), having nina’s book on my shelf is like a little dose of reassurance in a very stressed-out world.  and i’ll take all the reassurance i can get!

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must reads: my summer reading list

i’ve been promising you all a summer reading list for much too long.  the truth is that, since it’s just me, a girl can only read so many books over a summer and still get her shopping done!  but i do look forward to these long summer days…or, more to the point, long summer evenings in which i can sit on my front porch and read until 9, since there’s nothing but ‘mad men’ in the tivo the weather’s so lovely.

and so, a few books i’ve read and (mostly) loved so far this summer:

i wasn’t sure about the chelsea handler book, because my taste in humor books can be odd (see sloane crosley, below) but it ended up being hysterical, if only because i think she and i may have grown up in the same house.  if you ever coveted a cabbage patch doll, there’s a story in there for you that makes the whole book worthwhile.  it’s also a crazy fast read…i think it took me about three outings to peets to finish this one.  perfect for planes, trains and automobiles alike.

anne lamott could write out her grocery list and publish it, and i’d buy it.  her writing style is perpetually full of hope, wisdom, truth and humor, no matter how dire a circumstance.  i always come away from her books feeling a little bit better about life, and maybe even a little bit smarter.  this particular title is about a family dealing with a teenage daughter’s “recreational” bad habits – not a topic i’d expect to be excited by, but i loved it, and was sorry to see it end.  if you’re into smart fiction, this is the writer for you.

sloane crosley…oh, i want so badly to like her.  she reminds me a lot of david sedaris (who i also wish i liked).  her travel tales are great, but they’re not as uproariously funny as i’d expect from a book with a bear on the cover.  but i have a feeling if you like david sedaris, you’ll fall head over heels for sloane crosley.  in which case, you’ll also want to pick up her first book, i was told there’d be cake.

and in case you’re curious about what’s left on my list for the summer, a few titles i can’t wait to start:

barbara kingsolver’s new book, “the lacuna”, which just came out in paperback. i haven’t heard much about this title, but i have yet to read a kingsolver book i didn’t love.  i’m also looking forward to reading “the cookbook collector” by allegra goodman – it’s gotten such amazing press, i can’t wait to see if it’s as good as it sounds.  and, because i’ll need something easy and light after those two reads, i’m planning to sneak in emily giffin’s newest, “the heart of the matter” between the other two titles.

what are you reading this summer?

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some thoughtful must-reads

i know, i’m so overdue for a ‘must reads’ post, i can’t even tell you….but i’ve been devouring great summer reads left and right, with all the best-laid plans of passing along my summer reading list.  next week, i promise!  for now, i’ve been wanting to share two titles that are really more thought-provoking dinner conversation than poolside entertainment, but both are definitely titles you’ll want to add to your must-read list.

obsessive consumption is by kate bingaman-burt, one of my favorite artists (she has some amazing pieces up on 20×200 right now).  she’s been drawing a sketch of one thing she purchased every day since 2006, and this book is the result.  i love kate’s art to begin with, but this title in particular just felt like such an interesting look into the most random parts of someone else’s life, and i think we all love a little voyeurism.  it made me feel better about some of my purchases (and made me feel a teeny bit guilty about some, too).  definitely food for thought, and a perfect title to leave out on the table at your next party…it’s sure to inspire conversation!  read more about kate (and order a seriously cool limited-edition of the book) on her website, or nab the book for $14 at your friendly neighborhood amazon.

my other recent favorite book to skim when i have five minutes to kill is lists, compiled by liza kirwin.  kirwin manages the smithsonian’s archives of american art.  in other words, she has access to a truly amazing collection of personal papers from all sorts of famous and infamous people, and has compiled a collection of some of the most unlikely treasures in her stash:  lists.  everything from groceries to packing lists, address books and random sketches, from everyone from pablo picasso to franz kline.  in most cases, they’re reproduced in their original form, with a typed translation as well (for those countless illegible scribblings).  again with the voyeurism, i know, but this is one i just found completely fascinating.

if you’re weirdly fascinated (or comforted) by the details of other people’s lives, you’re going to love both of these me.  just consider them the thinking woman’s ‘us weekly’.

oh, and don’t worry…we’ll have a pile of much lighter summer reads for you next week!

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random friday finds: over the top

i didn’t actually plan it this way, but i must be in an extreme sort of mood, because if there’s a common thread to this week’s friday finds, it’s some seriously over the top style.

for those that are a fan of todd selby’s photography and/or his blog, you’re going to be thrilled to know that his book launched this week.

the selby is in your place is packed with photos from the homes, studios and offices of some seriously cool people, including karl lagerfeld, simon doonan & jonathan adler, and erin wasson.  to be honest, selby’s style is a bit much for me sometimes…he seems to seek out the crazy, even slightly creepy, in everything he shoots (see his shoot of the explorers’ club for some seriously crazy photos of dead animals).  but he struck a nice balance with the book, adding in a few more mainstream images to make it appeal to a wider, less artsy group.  if nothing else, the new book is worth it for the shots of lagerfeld’s studio alone, which are completely fantastic.

speaking of completely fantastic, every time i think i’m finally over studs, something comes along to make me fall all over again.  and lately, whenever that “something” comes along, it’s from be & d.  like, for example, their memphis studded flat in this gorgeous citrus hue.

i love that, from the front, they’re as conservative as can be, but when you turn to walk away, that studded cuff on the back makes you an instant badass!  so perfect to add some edge to a skinny jean or legging, and i’d love to see them toughen up a pair of silk shorts when the weather gets warm.

and i know it’s a little random – i think jane and judy aldridge are rubbing off on me – but i’m finding myself jonesing for a completely over-the-top pendant necklace.  something like, say, a giant elk head.

laugh, but then think about it with a slouchy tank top (this one springs to mind), blazer, cutoff shorts and tights.  and maybe those be & d shoes.  i’m feeling it.  especially for $8, i think it’s worth a shot.

happy friday, everyone…have a great weekend!

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random friday finds

i’m resurrecting this end-of-the-week mishmash of my latest favorite things…but i think we need a better title, don’t you?  suggestions?

to start, i can’t forget to tell all of you that bloomingdales is having its annual friends & family sale through sunday 3/28.  you can nab 20% off just about everything with code BFF.  there are just too many finds to post, but trust me…it’s worth a look!

british chef jamie oliver makes my favorites list this week not just because i have a huge tv crush on him (and i do).  it’s partially because of his new cookbook, jamie’s food revolution, which is full of some great recipes that are easy and fast, including loads of excellent curry recipes, which are hard to come by.  but also, my tv crush is coming back to tv!  he has a new show coming on that starts tonight on abc, and i can’t wait!

speaking of crushes, i have an official crush on this dress by eskell (courtesy of the always-enticing le train bleu):

normally, i am thoroughly unenthused by warm-weather attire.  but this dress is utter perfection. for those of you dying to try the bold layering/color contrasting trends that are so hot this spring, this dress is a foolproof way to go about it.  it would so easily go from office to weekend with just a change of shoes, and it has the most flattering cut i could imagine!

i’m almost embarrassed to show you this scarf by yigal azrouel, because it is so hideously expensive ($380.  i know, i know.):

but then, it’s soooo beautiful, how could i not share?  oh scarf, the lovely things i could do with you…all my jeans and tees would suddenly be chic and perfect. (and by the way, yes, the expression on that model’s face does make you think that maybe you accidentally slept with her boyfriend.)

as penance for making you lust after a $400 scarf, i’m going to show you my favorite bag for the summer (ahem…well, so far, at least), which happens to be an utter steal.

i love everything about this bag from mothology – the rough cotton/hemp cloth, the nautical french stripe, the leather handle…it’s total warm-weather perfection, and it’s only $82.  it reminds me of something elegant ladies would carry to the seashore.

have a fabulous weekend, all!

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exactly where i’ve been, and a little design love from kelly wearstler

dear readers, i’m so sorry to have been gone all week…let’s just say the universe took a giant sledgehammer swing at my head on monday, and i’ve been curled up in the fetal position for about 4 days now.  i haven’t quite recovered, but i’m hoping (dear lord, i’m hoping!) to be back to my usual chatty self next week.  for now, i’ll wish you a wonderful weekend and leave you with some photos from my absolute favorite new design book, hue by kelly wearstler.

i didn’t think i could love kelly wearstler much more than i already do – when i’m rich and famous, i’ve always planned to have her design my dream house.  but apparently, there was more love to be had.  the only thing missing from her older work was a nice big blast of color (previously, i’d planned for jonathan adler to come along and put the finishing touches of fun on that dream house), but her latest book, hue, shows that she’s seen the light – and it’s bouncing off a bowl of skittles.  this is one serious book of eye candy – i’ve been through it a million times since it arrived.  definitely a perfect addition to your coffee table, or your amateur interior design arsenal.

(oh, and all of these lovely photos are ©2009 courtesy

divine, isn’t it?  with that, have a wonderful weekend, everyone – i’m  hoping to see you all back here next week!

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must read: one amazing thing

i’ve been waiting to rave about this book until it released, which finally happened last week (i know, preview copies are awesome!).  and the timing may just be perfect after all:  with many of you snowed-in this week, what better time than to overnight yourself a little entertainment via amazon?

one amazing thing, written by (watch now as i copy and paste this so as not to butcher spelling) chitra divakaruni, is made up of so many elements i love in a novel, it’s hard to imagine my not falling for it.  exotic international setting, a wide cast of characters, all with a unique story to tell, and a dash of urgency built in.  the novel is set in the waiting room of an indian embassy, which crumbles to the ground during an earthquake, trapping a group of people together.  as they sit, they decide each should tell one story about their lives (there’s a not-subtle ‘canterbury tales’ reference woven in).  the result gives such an interesting, broad portrait of their experiences in and with india, and the country itself – it really is fascinating. and blended into all of this is the panic, attempts to escape, and problems that arise during the time they spend trapped together.

the language in this book is especially lovely, and it’s perfect for those of us with shorter attention spans.  the plot moves along so quickly, and all of the different characters’ stories are sure to keep you riveted.  i polished this one off in about two days, and i’m sure you’ll do the same.

grab one amazing thing now at amazon, and you’ll have it in time to read over the weekend.  or, buy local and head out to your neighborhood bookstore!

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the last last-minute guide: literary edition

well, here we are with our last gift guide of the season…i can honestly hardly believe christmas is friday!

if you’ve really pushed it to the very last minute, or you’re just sick of shopping (either way, i hear you), my absolute favorite last-minute gift is a book.  one-stop shopping that still lets you show the person you actually bought a gift they’d like, not just the first thing you saw in the doorway at macy’s (and support a locally-owned bookstore along the way).

and so, to close our gift bonanza this year, i thought i’d show you the books i’ll be gifting this year, as well as the ones i’ve loved best.  one quick tip:  in general, i tend to shy away from fiction for gifting – people’s tastes are just so personal on that front.  i suggest sticking to books with pictures – they’re the books no one ever buys for themselves (but secretly are dying to own).

for the fashion-phile:  when the world in vogue: people parties places arrived on my doorstep, i was a bit overwhelmed by the sheer size of it.  but when i started to browse, my husband can attest, there were many squeals of delight.  if she (or he) is a devoted vogue subscriber, this is like a greatest-hits album from their favorite band.  my hand to god, every photo i’ve saved from vogue in the last 5 years is in this book.  plum sykes in her bespoke three-piece suit.  lauren santo domingo’s wedding dress(es).  sarah jessica parker’s photo shoot at the plaza during its renovation.  all here, often with their original accompanying article from the magazine.  trust me…this one’s guaranteed to elicit a squeal or two from your favorite fashion fanatic.

(the runner-up:  for a budget option-slash-extremely close runner-up, i think scott schuman’s book, the sartorialist, makes an amazing gift for any serious fashion lover, but it’s probably not the best choice for the casual style observer.  see my review here.)

for the interior design fanatic:  if they’re forever prattling on about how they’d love to knock out this wall, put a bay window “right over there,” or use a $300/yard fabric to reupholster your favorite chair, you have a design fanatic on your hands.  my prescription is downtown chic, by robert and cortney novogratz.  it’s the amazing story of a couple that continually adopts and radically renovates unusual urban spaces.  the results are often extraordinary, and the stories are endlessly entertaining and inspiring, including how they found an enormous stained glass rose window in europe, shipped it to america and had it installed on the 4th floor of their latest project.

(the runner-up: if their bookshelves are filled with names like kelly wearstler, michael s. smith and bunny williams, the obvious addition is david hicks: a life of design, a massive new tome chronicling the projects and style of a man widely regarded to be the father of interior design (and written by his son, which results in a really wonderful portrait of the designer).  as the sartorialist is to fashion, this book is to design. it’s not for the casual observer, but – to a devoted fan – this will be a treasure.)

for the chef: if you don’t live in the northwest, you’re probably not familiar with the magic that is the grand central bakery.  and that’s a real shame.  i’ve loved them for so long, i (half) joke they’re the reason i moved back to portland.  they make the most insanely good cookies, breads and pies i’ve ever tasted (don’t even get me started on their monkey muffins).  now that they’ve released the grand central baking book, i feel a little like the evil genius who just got hold of the hero’s magic wand.  if you have a baker in your life, you simply can’t go wrong here.

(the runner-up:  if she’s more of a cook than a baker, i quite enjoyed make it fast, cook it slow from stephanie o’dea, who wrote the book after committing to cook for her family using only a slow cooker for an entire year.  it’s not for someone who’s terribly serious about their chef-ing, but for a friend who cooks for a family every night, thinks rachael ray is fantastic and can’t get enough quick, easy recipes, this is sure to be a hit.)

for the art lover: this isn’t an art book in the most traditional sense, but just about any art fan undoubtedly has a soft spot for architect frank lloyd wright’s brilliant designs.  he also seems to be unusually popular with men, so this is most likely a great choice for the dad or uncle in your life (i know my dad would love it). when i came across frank lloyd wright: the houses, i was utterly stunned by how comprehensive it is – it contains photos of literally every private home he ever designed.  the body of work is astounding, and the book (while ridiculously large in size) is something i honestly think any art lover would be thrilled to own.

for the craftily-inclined:  i am maybe the least craft-prone person i know (okay, except for my mother), but this book had me wishing for a tub of mod podge.  one of my greatest design sorrows is wallpaper.  i continually see designs i fall hard for, only to recall that it’s generally prohibitively expensive, and that’s not even factoring in installation.  it had never occurred to me that i might be able to use some of those stunning papers in other ways, ways that involve less effort, less commitment and less of the ultra-expensive paper itself. wallpaper projects by derek fagerstrom and lauren smith (they of the curiosity shoppe in san francisco, and the ultimate DIY column on design*sponge) has given me so many ideas, even i could turn crafty on you.  well…maybe not.  but for someone who already has mod podge (and some patience, which i also lack), this is the best DIY book i’ve seen in ages.

(no runner-up here…i’m so not crafty, i couldn’t even review two crafty books.)

here’s hoping one or more of these fits the bill for that gift or two (or entire list) you have yet to check off!

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