elsewhere: the tropical vacation edition

| Image via Christian Chaize | Phew! One of those weeks, my friends…remind me to tell you the one about trying acupuncture for the first time and finding myself immobilized for two days. I guess I’d better stop calling it “hocus pocus nonsense” at this point. But. In case the weather’s getting you down, I have […]

Gift Guide: The Jetsetter

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 They joke that their home address is the Chicago O’Hare International airport, their Instagram feed is peppered with exotic locations and impromptu road-trips, and most of their stories start with “When I was […]

a french girl summer, part two (and an announcement)

All via the Pinterest/Google Images rabbit hole… Well friends, you asked and I’m (finally) delivering the summer edition of my foolproof guide for how to dress like a French girl (if you missed the original version, it’s right here)! This story’s really best told via images, so I have a slew more for you on Pinterest (along with […]

must reads: summer 2014

As a rule, I’m not much of a summer person – give me a crisp September morning over a blazing July afternoon any day. But one thing I can’t get enough of this time of year is the inevitable surge of fantastic new reads. Keep your Hollywood blockbusters (seriously, how many Transformers movies are we going to be subjected […]

the only three jeans you need this summer

Friends, I don’t know about you, but for my money, dark denim and hot summer nights just don’t seem to mix. Also, I’m getting increasingly weary (and wary) of my skinny jeans (which may or may not have something to do with a seasonal diet that consists largely of ice cream). best summer denim Whatever […]

how to dress like a french girl

Emmanuelle Alt & team, image via (for more Parisian style goodness, see my Pinterest page) Hi, friends! I’m back, I’m caffeinated, and I’m finally ready to start telling you all about that wonderful trip I took. Before I get into the official travel reviews, tips and all of that goodness, something’s been nagging at me. Something I noticed literally […]